
The useInterval hook allows you to execute a function repeatedly at regular intervals with pause and continue functionalities.

Count: 0


function useInterval(
    callback: () => void,
    delay: number
): IntervalControls;
  • callback: required - The function to be executed at each interval.
  • delay: required - The time interval (in milliseconds) between function calls.

Return Value

An object containing the following functions:

  • pause: A function to pause the interval, preventing the callback from being executed.
  • continue: A function to continue the interval after it has been paused.


import { useInterval } from "hookings";
import { useState } from "react";
function ComponentWithInterval() {
	const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
	const { pause, continue: continueInterval } = useInterval(() => {
		setCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1);
	}, 1000);
	return (
			<div>Count: {count}</div>
			<button onClick={pause}>Pause</button>
			<button onClick={continueInterval}>Continue</button>
export default ComponentWithInterval;

In this example, the ComponentWithInterval utilizes the useInterval hook to execute a function every second and update the count state. The pause and continue functions allow the user to control the interval, pausing and resuming the count as needed.


The useInterval hook is a valuable utility for executing a function repeatedly at regular intervals with pause and continue functionalities in React applications. By utilizing this hook, you can easily control the timing and behavior of your functions, enabling you to create dynamic and interactive components that respond to user interactions in real-time.

So, go ahead and make the most of the useInterval hook in your projects to enhance your React applications with smooth and dynamic behaviors!

I hope this conclusion captures the essence of the useInterval hook and how it can benefit your React applications. Happy coding! 🚀